Tuesday 25 November 2008

evaluation on 2nd shoot

On Sunday we shot our whole footage again. It was cold but not raining this time which made filming a lot easier. We had enough batteries and our tape worked. We experimented a bit more filming from different angles and using different camera movements. We tried to have a variety of shots such as POV, panning, tracking etc. Sometimes it was difficult to follow the 180° rule when we were experimenting with shots that are not on our storyboard. So I had to move the camera to a different position. Doing the camera work this time went smoother because I did almost the same shots last weekend, so I think they look a bit more controlled.
Also we had some one who helped us carrying our equipment and backpack which saved us interruptions and thereby made the workflow smoother.
The only problem we had this time was that we were pressed for time because one of our actors had to leave early. But we managed to shoot everything in time and before it started to get dark.

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