Monday 3 November 2008


A treatment is a short article about the story of the project that should hook the reader so that he/she wants to see the film/read the book/play the game etc. Here's my treatment on Sinwood.


It’s a day like any other when Ben and Max, two teenage friends, walk home from school together. They are joking talking about school and their last party which was awesome! Suddenly Max panics for no visible reason, runs off desperately screaming for his friend to come with him. Ben considers it another joke and shrugs it off with a smile. A mistake with consequences.
Max keeps on running. He hyperventilates, all his senses blinded by an overwhelming fear. He doesn’t dare to stop and yet he must because he’s completely exhausted.

The sound of a branch cracking in the silence. He spins around… hears fast-paced footsteps through the fallen leaves on the ground. His eyes widen in panic when he spots the source of the sound. Then darkness.

Later Ben finds his best friend lying dead on the forest floor. He’s got strange marks on his body.
What did his friend run away from? What did he know that he wouldn’t share even with his best friend? What matters is that some one’s taken an important part of Ben’s life away and he wants revenge!
But the more he finds out about the circumstances of Max’s mysterious death the nearer he draws to a dark secret he had better not disturbed. Because knowledge is dangerous, especially when it concerns an enemy you can’t assess.
You might think you are in control of the situation soon. But that’s just what your enemy has waited for.

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